BEWARE Of Karaoke Apps Like Smule As You Might Encounter A Sex Offender!

Smule community is full of open hearted singers, and sex offenders know how to slow play their victims until they are ready for the ripe. Likewise, the internet is full of articles about karaoke apps like Smule and that have all sorts of psychos, pedophiles, and lunatics who demand nude photos, boob shows, or any kind of sexual acts. Recently, my friend was sexually harassed by a Smule user (under the pretext of love) so bad that she had almost quit Smule and ended up visiting a psychiatrist. How a Smule user was sexually harassed on the app? A woman joined Smule and got attracted to this handsome man with a melodious voice. He was a very charming person and a sweet talker. She started to interact with him and they got along very well. After a few days, he confessed his love for her. He is married but had compatibility issues with his wife. He claimed to have fallen in love with her affectionate and caring nature and if things go well, he would like to settle down with h...