SMULE- A Well For Croaking Frogs

I didn't know about the Smule app (it is a karaoke cum social app) until YouTube showed me an ad for it which is when I subscribed to the app as a free user. However, as a free user, you can only sing with someone else, you cannot sing solo songs. So, every time you want to sing a particular song, you have to search if someone has sung it and if there is an open invite from the host for you to be able to join him/her. These invitations are valid for 7 days. Therefore, after being a free user for about two months, I paid $45 and signed up for their annual VIP subscription. That was the starting point of trouble for me. Smule can keep you from living your real life if you let it. The platform is noisy and to remain relevant, you have to make some noise. I remember when I first joined the app, I got pretty addicted and spent hours on it every single day. I stayed up all night replying to the comments and listening to the collabs/joins. This app was taking control of my life. My prior...